IoT4CPS: Trustworthy IoT for CPS
Short Description
The IoT4CPS flagship project addressed the challenges arising from the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in real industrial environments. Since in this context, in addition to cybersecurity issues, aspects of availability and (physical) security from the design to the operation of the plant must also be addressed, the project developed methods for a joint consideration of safety and security over the entire life cycle The topic of security was considered on all levels, i.e. from the sensor and communication interfaces through to networked systems.
In order to fully exploit the potential of digitalisation in the field of automated driving and intelligent production, a high degree of trust between the components in the communicating systems must be ensured. In IoT4CPS, methods were therefore developed to strengthen the integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of information, as well as for the sufficient protection of production data. Combined safety & security approaches as well as solutions for comprehensive verification and safety analyses during operation were developed with this. This allows safety to be ensured, including over the long service life of industrial plants.
The greatest implementation-related challenges lay in the complexity of the overall systems being considered. In order to ensure the functional reliability of components in automated vehicles for instance, the integrity of the vehicle as well as in assembly and production must be ensured.
The IoT4CPS project was completed successfully in December 2020. The comprehensive project results are now available to Austrian business for use in future Industry 4.0 applications and for developments in the field of autonomous driving. All results are available on the website.
IoT4CPS is a "smart" and a "future-oriented" project, as it involved developing methods for holistic analysis and modelling of security aspects in complex application and production environments. Intelligent linking across the entire production process enables effective, flexible and efficient management of security risks across supply chains and system levels. At the same time, it is possible to adapt safety strategies on an ongoing basis by analysing risks that only arise during operation. The concepts developed in the project thereby form the basis for responsible and sustainable digitalisation and therefore for products that are fit for the future.
Brochure: Digital Technologies (2024)

Ready for the Future: Smart, Green and Visionary. Project Highlights of the Years 2016 to 2021.
FFG: Olaf Hartmann, Anita Hipfinger, Peter Kerschl
Publisher: Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology
English, 72 Seiten
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Project Partners
Consortium leader
- AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Additional consortium partners
- AVL List GmbH
- Donau-Universität Krems
- Infineon Technologies Austria AG
- JK Universität Linz/Institute of Pervasive Computing
- Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
- Nokia Solutions and Networks Österreich GmbH
- NXP Semiconductors Austria GmbH
- SBA Research GmbH
- Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
- Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH
- Siemens AG Österreich
- TTTech Auto AG
- TTTech Computertechnik AG
- TU Graz/Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications
- TU Graz/Institute for Technical Informatics
- TU Wien/Institute of Computer Engineering
- XNET – X-Net Services GmbH