Best at roadmap
Short Description
New business models, fast innovation cycles, and technologies including cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of Things, as well as changing user behavior due to social networks and mobile devices, bring new challenges for ICT security.
Malware, access to sensitive information, and highly specialized cyberattacks are only some of the dangers we face. For these reasons, security and safety, reliability, and the legal security of systems have become key subjects for research and development (R&D).
To cope with security challenges and requirements, the "BEST-AT" study is developing a comprehensive technology roadmap for Austria. It formulates strong research questions and recommends future R&D projects to achieve the best possible ICT security.
The design, development, and demonstration of emerging technologies following the concepts of "security by design" and "secure engineering" are high priorities. Research is required not only to prevent danger as part of a long-term security strategy, but to react to threats in case of emergency in a fast and efficient way. Another suggested focus of research is data security.
The protection of privacy and digital identity should take safety, security, reliability, legality, and user friendliness into account. A third area of research should focus on the motives of cybercriminals, such as lucrative models of cybercrime, to better understand attackers and to be able to set appropriate countermeasures.
The development and control of clear legal frameworks, security standards, and reference models complements the above-mentioned research areas. Ultimately, knowledge transfer is a key asset, since no adequate protection can be achieved without knowledge of potential hazards, safety awareness, or the acceptance of security solutions by ICT users.
BEST AT Roadmap - Vertrauen rechtfertigen: Sichere Systeme

Schwerpunkt der Studie ist die Erstellung einer Technologie-Roadmap, welche für bevorstehende Ausschreibungen im österreichischen Förderprogramm "IKT der Zukunft" mit dem Ausschreibungsschwerpunkt "Vertrauen rechtfertigen: Sichere Systeme" eine zusätzliche Informationsbasis liefert.
Walter Hötzendorfer, Mario Meir Huber, Rupert Lemmel-Seedorf, Romana Riegler, Erich Schweighofer, Simon Tjoa, Christof Tschohl
Publisher: BMVIT
German, 185 Seiten