
There are 3 results.


Austrian Research, Development & Innovation Roadmap for Automated Vehicles

The present “Austrian RDI Roadmap for Automated Vehicles” is a technology roadmap driven by Austrian industry with support from the Austrian research community, and reflects the view of the main Austrian players in ICT and mobility Jodef Affenzeller, Andreas Eckel, Johannes Liebermann, Martin Russ, Johann Massoner, Michael Paulitsch, Peter Tummeltshammer, Michael Paulweber, Wer Rom, Erwin Schoitsch, Daniel Watzenig, Mark-Michael Weltzl, Reinhard Pfliegl
Publisher: BMVIT
English, 51 pages

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BEST AT Roadmap

Digital information, information systems, and related applications now influence privacy, society, and the economy more than ever before. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are found in smart homes, automotive engineering, cities of the future, industrial production lines, and agriculture. Walter Hötzendorfer, Mario Meir Huber, Rupert Lemmel-Seedorf, Romana Riegler, Erich Schweighofer, Simon Tjoa, Christof Tschohl
Publisher: BMVIT
German, 185 pages

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Conquering data in austria technology roadmap

A comprehensive roadmap study on Intelligent Data Analytics technologies is provided. Dr. Helmut berger, Dr. michael Dittenbach, Dr. Marita Haas, Dr. Ralf Bierig, Dr. Allan Hanbury, Dr. Mihai Lupu, Dr. Florina Piroi
Publisher: BMVIT

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