
There are 48 results.

AAL und benefit

WAALTeR ­ - Integrated System Solution with Added Value

The project WAALTeR (Wiener AAL TestRegion) combines existing prototypes and solutions to build an integrated AAL system solution which is tested and evaluated in 83 households in Vienna.

AAL und benefit

WEST-AAL - Individual Bundled Solutions for the Elderly

The project WEST-AAL (AAL Test Region Western Austria) tests individual bundled solutions for elderly people living in different housing and care situations in Tyrol and Vorarlberg.

AAL und benefit

Wellbeing - Health at Work 4.0

The European AAL project wellbeing tackles the issue of health in the workplace: the online platform gives feedback on unhealthy behaviour and provides nutrition advice and stress management.

AAL und benefit

ZentrAAL - Living Independently in Your Own Home

How can apartments be improved such that older people have the possibility to live more independently and stay as long as possible in their own homes? The ZentrAAL project - Salzburg Test Region for AAL Technologies aims to test innovative technologies.

dTS: Data-driven Tourism for Sustainability

The dTS project is developing a scalable model for resilient and sustainable tourism through intelligent data usage. Two use cases in Salzburg demonstrate how AI and simulation can contribute to visitor flow management and sustainable regional development.

iLIDS4SAM - Integrated LiDAR Sensors for Safe&Smart Automated Mobility

The iLIDS4SAM project built on sensor systems that provide autonomous vehicles on the road or rail with a three-dimensional image of the environment and predictively detect hazards.

iLIDS4SAM: Integrated LiDAR Sensors for Safe & Smart Automated Mobility

The research project "iLIDS4SAM" focuses on developing a high-performance, cost-effective Lidar sensor system for autonomous vehicles that provides a 3D image of the surroundings and anticipates hazards. The goal is to enhance the safety and efficiency of future mobility through real-world testing and continuous optimization using AI and big data.

AAL und benefit

iToilet - An Automatic Toilet to Support Active Living

A computer-based toilet system which allows independent living with more dignity and reduces care requirements.