There are 16 results.
AI4Buildings - Artificial Intelligence for Digital Planning of Buildings
The quality of a digitally designed building is determined as early as the planning stage. It starts with a preliminary design, and extends to the detailed design of the architecture and building services.
Best at roadmap
Digital information, information systems, and related applications now influence privacy, society, and the economy more than ever before. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are found in smart homes, automotive engineering, cities of the future, industrial production lines, and agriculture.
Big Data in Austria
The amount of available data in different domains and companies has been increasing steadily. Recent studies expect a yearly revenue growth of 33.5%. The Austrian market volume of EUR 22 million in 2013 is predicted to reach EUR 73 million in 2017. Due to this enormous growth of available data new challenges emerge in efficiently creating value.
COMPASS - Cooperative Design Spaces for Next Generation Internet-of-Things Solutions
The COMPASS project has developed a guiding compass to navigate the vast opportunity space provided by IoT in order to create innovative applications that are valuable, meaningful, empowering and trustworthy, to maximise their utility and reflect responsible innovation.
Dermtrainer – A novel decision support system for training and diagnosis in dermatology
Sharpening Diagnostic Skills. In many areas of the world dermatologists are not the primary medical contact for patients with skin diseases. A medical decision support system can assist non-specialized physicians in diagnosing dermatologic conditions and can serve as a training platform.
Dominate complex ict solutions
ICT systems can be found not only in everyday life in mobile phones, entertainment equipment or in the office, they increasingly control our infrastructure, support the drivers of motor vehicles, monitor energy networks and control aircraft. The increasing complexity of these systems creates technical and fundamental problems for ICT that have direct economic and social impacts.
EXPEDiTE - Exploring opportunities and challenges for Emerging personal DaTa Ecosystems: Empowering humans in the age of the GDPR - A Roadmap for Austria
Personal data have become a primary economic resource in our increasingly digital society and many Internet users are unaware of the extent to which their data can be traced back to them online. The European Union passed the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018 with the aim of enabling more human-centred governance and defining more explicit rules for the handling of personal data in the business sector. This represents a first step towards a fair and human-centred market for personal data in Europe.
FEARLESS - Fearless through Everyday Life
The European AAL project FEARLESS developed 3-D visual computing algorithms which automatically detect falls and enable ageing without fear.
FoodNetLab - Exploratory Pilot: Food Value Network Innovation Lab
The results of the project provide industry representatives with a picture of current opinions on various aspects of the emerging digital transformation in the food sector, thus also supporting them in developing their specific business strategies. The findings also provided a basis for establishing an innovation lab at the Wels Campus of FH Upper Austria, which opened in 2021.
HARMONY - Human-Assisted Real-time MONitoring of infrastructure and obstacles from railwaY vehicles
The project HARMONY is developing a more efficient and economical method for monitoring rail infrastructure.
NexGenRWP - Simple and Versatile: the new Robotic Co-Worker
This new generation of robots assists with assembly and inspection, carrying out new tasks with ease.
PLAN-E - Integrating electric energy demand of machine tool processes as resource for production planning software
Energy as an Important Production Factor. Consideration of energy demand and energy costs in the planning phase of production enables optimized resource and cost management.
RelaxedCare - Increased Wellbeing through Innovative Interaction
The project RelaxedCare developed a solution which not only increases the wellbeing of elderly people, but also reduces the burden and stress on relatives.
RobPerMot - Robot embodied persuasion and motivation for sport, post rehabilitation and work routines
While collaborative robot systems are already successfully used in industrial manufacturing, the social qualities of human-robot interaction in private life, sports or at work are not yet widely exploited. The RobPerMot project aims to investigate a potential robot-based implementation of persuasion and coaching strategies (e.g., reward systems) in various contexts.
moduLAAr - Austria’s First Test Region
The moduLAAr project is Austria’s first test region and demonstrates the positive effect of AAL technology on the quality of life of elderly people. Tests were carried out in fifty flats in Burgenland.
senTOUR - Easy Access to the National Park
The senTOUR project offers a tourist service adapted to the needs of elderly people. They can explore the Gesäuse National Park using a web-based information portal and a mobile app.