
There are 16 results.


3D-EarScan – Vision based 3D scanning and reconstruction of the human ear canal

Contactless Ear Canal Measurement. Measuring the ear canal is the first step in all audiological applications. A new, non-contact, optical 3D measuring system is set to revolutionise this process.


ADEQUATe – Analytics & Data Enrichment to improve the Quality of Open Data

Improved Data create Added Value. Innovative approaches for increasing the quality of open data.


Big Data in Austria

The amount of available data in different domains and companies has been increasing steadily. Recent studies expect a yearly revenue growth of 33.5%. The Austrian market volume of EUR 22 million in 2013 is predicted to reach EUR 73 million in 2017. Due to this enormous growth of available data new challenges emerge in efficiently creating value.


CI4Clouds – Computationalö Intelligence for Cloud Masking

From Cloudy to Bright. Innovative artificial intelligence automatically detects clouds in satellite images.


Dermtrainer – A novel decision support system for training and diagnosis in dermatology

Sharpening Diagnostic Skills. In many areas of the world dermatologists are not the primary medical contact for patients with skin diseases. A medical decision support system can assist non-specialized physicians in diagnosing dermatologic conditions and can serve as a training platform.


GraphSense – Realtime Anomaly Detection in Virtual and Non-Virtual Currency Networks

Insight into Digital Currencies. Virtual currency systems such as Bitcoin are becoming increasingly popular. Austrian researchers are working on algorithmic solutions that should help to understand and detect anomalies in such systems.


IBROC – 3D Image-Based Rendering of Clothes from Photographs

The Virtual Dressing Room. IBROC merges the real and the virtual world. For the first time it is possible to simulate the correct fit of clothes when shopping online. An important step – not only for fashion marketing.


IMP – Intelligent Maintance Planner & Inspection Knowledge Based Maintenance Managment Systems

Intelligent Maintenance saves Costs. Efficient planning and running of industrial maintenance saves costs and conserves resources. The required information normally already exists. It just needs to be used.


MVControl - Generating process feedback from heterogeneous data sources in quality control

Machines learn from Production Data. Quality control is a crucial factor in multi-stage production processes. Adaptive data analysis recognizes problems and provides a competitive advantage.


NexGenRWP - Simple and Versatile: the new Robotic Co-Worker

This new generation of robots assists with assembly and inspection, carrying out new tasks with ease.


PLAN-E - Integrating electric energy demand of machine tool processes as resource for production planning software

Energy as an Important Production Factor. Consideration of energy demand and energy costs in the planning phase of production enables optimized resource and cost management.


PROSAM - Anticipate Faults before they occur

Knowledge and data-based approaches improve fault prognosis models to enable the development of anticipative maintenance strategies, thereby optimizing operational availability and resource efficiency of manufacturing processes.


Shape - Safety-critical Human- and dAta-centric Process management in Engineering projects

Efficient Safety Planning. Planning safety-critical infrastructure error-free is a complex challenge. A new tool makes this possible - tested in the railway domain.


TASTE - Traffic Assistant Simulation and Testing Environment

Simulated vehicles improve real traffic’s safety.


VALID - Visual Analytics in Data-driven Journalism

Mastering the Information Overload. Processing complex data is essential for quality in data-driven journalism. This research project combines data and visual analytics, with a focus on journalistic needs.