
There are 39 results.


OpenNES - Open and Interoperable ICT Solution for Integration of ReNewablES

Smart Grids become sustainable. Integrating the growing amount of renewable energy into the electrical grid requires an open and interoperable solution like OpenNES.


PROSAM - Anticipate Faults before they occur

Knowledge and data-based approaches improve fault prognosis models to enable the development of anticipative maintenance strategies, thereby optimizing operational availability and resource efficiency of manufacturing processes.


REFlex - RFID Real-Time Localization for Flexible Production Environments

Localization of UHF RFID-Tags. With billions of deployed units, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags dominate the item identification market. A novel method now allows determining the position of these low priced tags as well.


ROBxTASK - Cloud platform for vendor-independent exchange of robot control tasks and processes

ROBxTASK will enable the easy transfer of robotic applications between different target processes using social robotics and industrial robotics.

AAL und benefit

RegionAAL - Effective Solutions for Remaining Living at Home

The project implements integrated Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)-solutions in one hundred test households in Styria, mostly in urban regions, and evaluates their effectiveness scientifically.


SCALAS - High Security for the Smallest

Millions of tiny microchips are used in door openers, ticketing and payment systems. A new approach allows to significantly increase the security of these chips, without substantially changing the cost of manufacturing.

AAL und benefit

SMART VITAALITY - Ageing with Smart Quality of Life

The project tests an integrated Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) system to support the quality of life and independence of older people in everyday life in one hundred households in Klagenfurt, Villach and Ferlach.


SMiLe - Secure Machine Learning Applications with Homomorphically Encrypted Data

The project investigates the conditions under which solutions using homomorphically encrypted data can help exploit sensitive data for machine learning applications. The focus is on the further development of relevant software components as well as the transfer of relevant know-how.


SemI40 - Industry 4.0 for Smart Production

Electronic components and systems are key drivers for economic growth in Europe. The European ECSEL (Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership) project SemI40 explores smart production processes involving 37 partners from 5 countries.


Shape - Safety-critical Human- and dAta-centric Process management in Engineering projects

Efficient Safety Planning. Planning safety-critical infrastructure error-free is a complex challenge. A new tool makes this possible - tested in the railway domain.


Siam - Self-learning Software for Mechanical Engineering

Self-learning software aims to shorten the manufacturing time on mechanical engineering and creates cost advantages for customers.


TASTE - Traffic Assistant Simulation and Testing Environment

Simulated vehicles improve real traffic’s safety.


TailoredMedia - Tailored and Agile enrichment and Linking for semantic Description of multiMedia

The project aims to use state-of-the-art artificial intelligence methods for the automatic analysis of audiovisual content, and to combine them with user interfaces. This enables efficient processes for detailed semantic description and content search, while also addressing the following problems.


VALID - Visual Analytics in Data-driven Journalism

Mastering the Information Overload. Processing complex data is essential for quality in data-driven journalism. This research project combines data and visual analytics, with a focus on journalistic needs.

AAL und benefit

WAALTeR ­ - Integrated System Solution with Added Value

The project WAALTeR (Wiener AAL TestRegion) combines existing prototypes and solutions to build an integrated AAL system solution which is tested and evaluated in 83 households in Vienna.

AAL und benefit

WEST-AAL - Individual Bundled Solutions for the Elderly

The project WEST-AAL (AAL Test Region Western Austria) tests individual bundled solutions for elderly people living in different housing and care situations in Tyrol and Vorarlberg.

AAL und benefit

Wellbeing - Health at Work 4.0

The European AAL project wellbeing tackles the issue of health in the workplace: the online platform gives feedback on unhealthy behaviour and provides nutrition advice and stress management.

AAL und benefit

ZentrAAL - Living Independently in Your Own Home

How can apartments be improved such that older people have the possibility to live more independently and stay as long as possible in their own homes? The ZentrAAL project - Salzburg Test Region for AAL Technologies aims to test innovative technologies.

AAL und benefit

iToilet - An Automatic Toilet to Support Active Living

A computer-based toilet system which allows independent living with more dignity and reduces care requirements.